2017年秋よりアメリカのバークリー音楽大学へフルタイムの全額奨学金を獲得し留学。Steve Bailey, Ralph Peterson Jr., Joanne Brackeen等に師事。2019年春に同大学を卒業。
2019年秋から2020年春までニューヨークに滞在。Vincent Herring(Sax), Bertha Hope(Pf )らと共演。
2020年1月11日ピアニスト鈴木瑶子と “ Yoko & Yuki Duo Project “ 名義にてアルバム “ The Moment “ をリリース。同ユニットとしては台湾ツアーを成功させるなど、国内外にて幅広く活動している。
第9回ちぐさ賞にてグランプリを獲得。2023年3月15日ファーストアルバム”Beyond Mountains”をCHIGUSA Recordsよりリリース。
Yuki Kodama
Yuki Kodama is a bass player and composer from Osaka, Japan. He started playing the electric bass when he was 14 years old and the double bass when he was 18.
Yuki studied at Koyo Conservatory of Music from 2015 to 2017, during which time he also advanced his career as a professional bass player in Japan, performing with Bob Sheppard and David Boyle.
He graduated from Berklee College of Music in 2019 as a full tuition scholarship student. He has studied with Steve Bailey, Ralph Peterson Jr.,Billy Kilson, Darren Barrett, Joanne Brackeen,Neal Smith.
After his graduation, he had stayed in New York until 2020. He has experienced performing with a lot of musicians including Vincent Herring(Sax), Bertha Hope(Pf) .
On January 11, 2020, he released “ The Moment “ as “ Yoko & Yuki Duo Project “ the double head project with the pianist, Yoko Suzuki.
His first album, “Beyond Mountains” is released on March 15,2023 from CHIGUSA Records.
Currently he continues his career in Tokyo, Japan.